Hail Odin!
Darkness falls again in the winterland on our forefathers soil.
As far as the eye can see, nature is dead, or so it seems.
Man and beasts move toward brighter times now on the night of the winter solstice.
Hail Thor!
Just like nature itself, the world of men will fall. But it will rise again from the ashes of the old one.
Just like those already in Valhalla fought for us, we…must now fight for those who will live on in the new world - Odalheim, post Ragnarök.
Let’s raise our horns for the new dawn and for victory!!
Hail Frey!
Just like the Aseir, we too must fall one day. With this fact in mind, we play our part in the creation of fate. Our fate.
Just like death is the great abstinence, life is the great adventure. That is why we must make the most of life here and now.
Let’s raise our horns to prosperous times ahead!!
Warriors of Midgard, we wish you an amazing Yule season!
Hail Odin!
Unleashed play a single show in Stockholm on the 13th of February in 2025!
Johnny & The Boys
Unleashed headline SWR Barroselas Metalfest on the 26th of April in 2025!
Johnny & The Boys
Unleashed headline Break Out Open Air in Crispendorf, Germany on the 6th of September 2025!
Johnny & The Boys
Unleashed are confirmed for Colombia Metalfest in Bogota, Colombia on the 8th of November!
Johnny & The Boys